2023 Impact Report

Strong strategic school leaders | Thriving tamariki mokopuna

Through 2023 we continued to strengthen our evaluation framework resulting in our richest evaluation data to date, and we're excited to share our 2023 Impact Report!

This report not only documents the outcomes of our mahi in 2023, but also, for the first time, reports on meaningful impacts for participants of our Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme four years post-programme. Reported outcomes included:

  • High rates of successful strategy implementation

  • Strengthened community and wider stakeholder relationships

  • Improved teacher efficacy

  • Enhanced student outcomes

  • Embedded culturally responsive practices

Additionally, we have continued to partner with the New Zealand Council for Educational Research to evaluate our programmes and their impact. In 2023 their report 'He Kaponga Arotake - Evaluation of the Balanced Scorecard Approaches by Springboard Trust' provided valuable insights into the value of our balanced scorecard tool for schools as well as opportunities to improve the supporting programme, now Strategic Measurement for Schools, for greatest impact. Many suggested improvements were able to be implemented in our 2024 programme with great success.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. My strength is not that of one, but of many.

As ever, these successes are thanks to the hard work of many. Our resilient, committed school leaders, the generosity and expertise of our volunteers, partners and funders and our own dedicated Springboard Trust team. It is the magic of this partnership and cross-sector collaboration that gets results and moves us closer to our vision: Strong strategic school leaders | Thriving tamariki mokopuna.

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2023 Impact Report

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