Professor Carol Mutch – Crisis Leadership Resources


From school leader to crisis leader:

Schools and school leaders play an incredibly important role in a crisis. Schools become the hub of their communities, a place where people gather and seek refuge.

This places school leaders at the front line of responding to crisis for and with their communities, while also managing the impacts of the crisis in their own lives. This is not easy.

Crisis situations require school leaders to use different leadership styles and skills throughout the different phases of crisis response and recovery.

In the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle and the flooding in recent weeks, Springboard Trust together with Professor Carol Mutch are offering information, advice, resources, and support for schools leaders and their teams navigating these latest challenges.

Carol Mutch, Professor of Critical Studies in Education at the University of Auckland, has spent time in communities throughout Aotearoa and around the world researching and learning about the role of schools in disaster response and recovery. She has generously provided a number of highly practical resources for download below which follow a recording of her recent presentation to cyclone-affected schools via Springboard Trust.

We know that this is going to be a long-term recovery and crisis leadership assistance can be helpful. Springboard Trust offers principals in regions impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle access to volunteer coaches. This is at no cost and on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out via if you would like to discuss this support further.

You can also access further resources on crisis leadership on our website here.

Advice for Principals and Teachers – 1
Look after yourselves and each other
Advice for Principals and Teachers – 2
Getting ready for the return to school
Advice for Principals and Teachers – 3
When school reopens
Longer term, however that might lookAdvice for Principals and Teachers – 4
Longer term, however that might look
Professor Carol Mutch – Crisis Leadership Research 2020
Crisis leadership - Evaluating our crisis leadership approaches in the time of COVID-19

Follow the link below for more crisis leadership resources via Te Rito Toi, including a crisis leadership summary video from Professor Mutch posted following the Auckland flooding events of January and February 2023.