Critical to your ability to effectively lead change is a clear, concise and well-communicated strategy.
A 1-day, hands-on workshop in Term 2 open to Principals who have completed the Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme or Strategic Leadership for Rural Teaching Principals Programme and up to 3 other members of their leadership team. Each workshop accommodates lead teams from up to 6 schools.
At the start of 2026, all schools in Aotearoa will be required to submit a 3-year strategic plan to the Ministry of Education. A clear, concise and well-communicated strategy is critical to your ability to effectively lead change in your school, move closer to your vision and improve outcomes for ākonga.
This workshop will equip your lead team for successful development of your 2026-2028 strategic plan supporting you to consider your changing context, identify key areas for change and craft goals and initiatives for the new time horizon.
This session works in tandem with our Annual Planning workshop in Term 4 to get your planning sorted for 2026.
What you will gain:
This 5-hour session provides you and your team with the time and space out of your school to reflect on your strategic direction and begin drafting your strategy for the next 3 years.
On completion of this workshop, you and your team will have:
- Knowledge of the concepts, tools and processes required to refresh your strategic plan
- Established a common language for strategic planning
- Identified key areas for change
- Drafted goals and initiatives
- Gained clarity on next steps to complete the planning process
Who it’s for:
This workshop is open to principals who have completed the Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme (SLPP) or Strategic Leadership for Rural Teaching Principals Programme (SLRTP) and up to 3 other members of their leadership team. To get the most out of this session, it is important that your school has a clear, established vision.
While principals may come on their own, we recommend those that can bring at least one other member of their leadership team to support the distribution of leadership capability and capacity within the school.
Your commitment:
Time: 5 hours (plus travel time where relevant). There will also be some pre-work for you and your team to complete prior to attending the workshop.
Cost: $1,200 +GST for a leadership team of up to 4 participants or receive a $400 discount ($200 per workshop) if also registering for the Annual Planning workshop.
A special rate of $600 +GST applies for sole charge teaching principals or receive a $200 discount ($100 per workshop) if also registering for the Annual Planning workshop.
How it works:
Principals who have completed the Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme (SLPP) or Strategic Leadership for Rural Teaching Principals Programme (SLRTP) will be invited via email to register themselves and their team members for this workshop when they are scheduled.
Both face-to-face and virtual workshops are offered to allow access to this professional development regardless of school location.
In the face-to-face workshop up to 6 school leadership teams each seated at their own table will be guided through the session by a central facilitator who will enable cross-school learning drawing on the wisdom in the room. Each school team will also be supported by a ‘critical friend’ volunteer from outside the education sector at their table who will challenge and extend their thinking throughout as the team applies the learning to their unique context.
Virtual workshops will similarly be run by a central facilitator with plenty of break out time for school teams to work through application of the learning together off-screen.