Applications are open!
Springboard Trust invites school leaders to express their interest in the Strategic Leadership for Rural Teaching Principals Programme and Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme.
MoE PLD funding is required to secure a place in our programmes for 2023. Please contact us if this presents a barrier to your participation.
You can read more about these and other Springboard Trust programmes here – or head straight to our expression of interest form linked below to get started!
Springboard Trust Expressions of Interest
Improve your leadership
Springboard Trust’s unique learning programmes are designed to enable the development of outstanding educational leaders who dramatically improve their schools and wider communities.
To achieve this, we offer a range of programmes and services that provide multi-year support for leaders. Over these years, principals partner with us on a journey to:
Learn or enhance their strategic leadership skills.
Connect with cross-sector partners for unique leadership insights.
Develop the tools and skills necessary to plan and report to boards and other stakeholders.
Build leadership capability throughout a school.
Map the impacts of strong leadership right down to student outcomes.
Network with other schools and sectors to improve the community.
Principals do not generally undertake every programme and service that Springboard offers. By partnering with Springboard and selecting programmes and services that are tailored to your needs, you broaden your skill set and bring yourself – and your leadership team – on a journey that alumni call “the best professional development you will ever get”.
Improve your leadership
Usually, the Principal’s journey begins with one of our foundation programmes – the Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme (SLPP) or the Strategic Leadership for Rural Teaching Principals Programme (SLRTP). After this point, We’ll work with you to understand your challenges and opportunities, and support you to select the best programme or service for your needs.

Further Programmes and Skills Workshops
Springboard Coaching for Leadership
A one-term service for principals or their senior and middle leaders, focusing on building self awareness through 360 degree feedback and support from a coach.
High Performing Leadership Teams
A one-term programme for principals and their leadership teams, learning the essentials of group dynamics, shared goals and commitment.
Kickstart Your Strategy Workshop
A one-day workshop in which principals and your leadership teams are provided with tools and to put your strategic plan into action on a day-to-day basis.
Coaching for Results Workshop
An online workshop, available nationwide, that introduces New Zealand principals to the basics of being an effective coach through a specially developed curriculum from the NZ Institute of Coaching.
Talent Management Workshop
A one-day workshop focused on ensuring that leaders have the right people in the right place at the right time to deliver a strategic plan.
Annual Planning Workshop
A one-day workshop for principals and their leadership teams, focused on building initiatives, actions and goals for the coming year.
Learning Events
Annual, half or full-day networking events that give principals and their lead teams the opportunity to hear from the best and brightest speakers, from both in and out of the education sector.
Professional Learning and Development (MoE)
A bespoke service, based around initiatives that schools require specialist support to scope and implement through Ministry of Education PLD when it aligns with current MoE priorities.
Beyond these set programmes and workshops, the beauty of the Springboard Trust model is its flexibility. By partnering principals with cross-sector experts based on your needs, we are able to facilitate solutions for a whole host of issues, including:
Project Management
Coaching and people management
Change management
Digital transformation
Communication plans
Strategy refresh
Parent and whānau engagement
Select a programme above – or head to our contact page to enquire about how else we might be able to help.