Search Results for: 4
Inside the planning: Tumuaki priorities for 2022-24
Since 2007, Springboard Trust has supported more than 600 tumuaki/principals to develop their leadership and create concise, visionary strategic plans
September 14: Why it’s important for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
Every year since 1975, Te Wiki o te Reo Māori has run in September, providing a platform upon which we
5 Ways to Celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (even if you’re still in Level 4)
Mōrena tatou and welcome to Te Wiki o te Reo Māori! It’s a big wiki ahead, even for those of
Leading with Hauora
Te Uru Amokura | Springboard Trust brings together leaders from across Aotearoa to strengthen leadership so our tamariki mokopuna thrive.
Leading with Hauora webinar
‘He taonga te hauora’ – health is the treasure You cannot give what you do not have remember to put your own oxygen mask on first. As we begin 2025 let’s consider how we can better look after ourselves as leaders and through doing so, care for the hauora of our teams. Join us as we explore: the mindsets leaders need to effectively lead
Programme Terms and Conditions
TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. PROVISION OF SERVICES1.1 Springboard Trust will provide the Services to the Customer in accordance with the
Leading a Performance Culture
Springboard Trust brings together leaders from across Aotearoa to strengthen leadership so our tamariki mokopuna thrive. We are proud to
NZCER Report: He Kaponga Arotake – Evaluation of the Balanced Scorecard approaches by Springboard Trust
Evaluation and the desire for continuous improvement are part of Springboard Trust’s DNA. We are excited to share He Kaponga